Our Team
Dear Fern Hill Community,
I carry great pride in serving as Fern Hill Elementary School’s principal. Our school community is composed of staff and families who are committed to making elementary school a memorable experience for our students and we prioritize students’ ownership of their social, emotional, and academic success while they are with us. At Fern Hill, we believe in the phrase “Maslow before Bloom”. In essence, once a child’s most basic needs are met, the sky's the limit for what they can achieve. At Fern Hill, we are committed to educating and inspiring students to achieve their personal best through a safe, engaging, and supportive learning environment where we value respect, communication, and collaboration.
I began my career in the West Chester Area School District and have served our community in a variety of roles including an Instructional Technology Coordinator, an instructional coach, and a classroom teacher. I also served as an elementary assistant principal in the Garnet Valley School District before returning to West Chester to rejoin our Fern Hill community. I highly value the role of an instructional leader in promoting instructional practices that will enrich students’ learning experiences and am committed to being a lifelong learner myself. I hold my doctorate from West Chester University in Education, Policy, and Administration and a master’s degree in Educational Technology from the University of Michigan. Despite those degrees, I will forever bleed blue and white as a Pennsylvania State University, Schreyer Honors College alum.
This community is engaged and dedicated to the educational excellence and experience of all children, and for that I am sincerely grateful. Thank you for partnering with us and continuously supporting and strengthening our community. As principal, I have the same passion and love of learning as I did as a teacher in the classroom.
I look forward to the opportunity to positively impact student learning and growth by working closely with all members of our school community. Together, we have so much we can accomplish.
Take care
Jenni Southmayd, Ed. D.
FHE Principal